“My neighbor said that she would rather have a baby than have a root canal.”

I know everyone has heard a version of this story, that root canal therapy is the worst pain that one can experience.  You also might have heard that it is an extremely long process.

nowadays, it’s completely false!

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What Has Changed in Endodontics?


Root canal therapy used to be a much more lengthy and uncomfortable process, but thanks to newer technology and understanding, the procedure is as easy as getting a filling. The most important aspect of my job as an endodontist is to make sure the procedure is comfortable and successful.   We now understand the amount of anesthetic (numbing) that we need to administer to make sure that the procedure is completely pain free. Once the anesthetic has been administered, the only sensation that the patient should feel is a little vibration (no pain). 


The procedure has gotten much more efficient through modern tools and technology. We use instruments called files that help to debride the internal tissue that causes pain and infection. The files that used to be used were very stiff and would remove more tooth structure than necessary. In the last 30 years, flexible files were invented that allow us to conserve more tooth structure. They also are now powered with rotary devices, which allows them to be much more efficient. This means less time in the chair for you!


Along with the modern instruments, there are enhanced disinfection devices that clean out the tooth better than what was possible in the past. The cleaner the tooth is able to be cleaned, the higher level of success the root canal procedure will be.

The Role of Technology

As noted in our technology section, Dr. Moore uses a microscope during the procedure, which allows him to see further inside the tooth at a much higher magnification. This combined with the CBCT (3D X-ray) allows him to find all of the canals and tissue inside to the tooth much more efficiently.

This means that often, Dr. Moore is able to successfully complete the root canal therapy in a single, pain-free visit.  In certain instances, teeth can be too infected to complete in a single visit and in those situations Dr. Moore will place an antibiotic inside the tooth and a second visit will be required.